Zomarick Golden Retrievers rustiques

Pride, fidelity and devotion

Untitled Document





"Hobson" is the final result from 35 years of breeding experience. In fact, he is the last of that breedre's carreer.

To honour their work, I have given their name to him : "Hobson". Even if M and Mrs Hobson have now retired, their work, efforts and love for those pure bred dogs didn't stop there. I shall fellow their track that they left me and get the inspiration from them to build Zomarick Golden Retrievers.

My greatest wish is to make them proud of it. M and Mrs Hobson, I will nerver thank you enough for your trust and complicity. I am proud of sharing this life with one of your splendid dogs. He is for me the first one of the breed but will be the continuity of yours... Djanick