Zomarick Lady Huntess of Adirondac (enr. C.K.C. et A.K.C.)
Tessy is from the Adirondacs area in NY State. She is from a long line of hunting dogs. Her instinct for retrieve is evident. She has a high level of concentration and highly trainable.
She shows to be very consistent and steady in all what she does. She is the
endurance type of dog, working all the time at the same rhythm. On top of those
working qualities, she is very affectionate and always looking to make everyone
happy and at ease.
Heart of Roses
Little Rose… we compare her to a Ferrari. Slim, fast, impetuous, agile and sharp, she shines by her desire to work. Proud representative of her ancestors, she doesn’t miss a chance to impress us.
She’s got all the needed qualities and is a great dog for hunt tests,
hunting and family companion. Her sense of observation is a reference and she
understands quickly whatever we show her.
Lady Bess’t
Borned in our kennel, Bess has
showed us from the start that she was a natural worker. Great motivation, playful
and dynamic, she has a beautiful focus when it is time to be serious. Sister
of Red and Dude, she is too a joy to work with and her work is done with precision
and steadiness.
Bess lives with our friend and hunting partner, M. Philippe Tanguay, shares
his family life and is his best hunting companion ever. Bess has this great
presence toward people around her and holds in her all her parents qualities.
de Zomarick
Angie, sister of Bess, represents our kennel on a different scene. Even if she has all the qualities to become a great hunting dog, she shines in a totaly different way. We don’t only pretend our dogs are obedient, we prove it. So, Angie evolves in official obedience events organized by the CKC.
She lives with our friend, Mrs Claudine Bisson, who is also her official handler. They both make a great team and are accomplices in their daily life. Angie is always look for our attention and does whatever seems to please everyone.
Tesoro Maya
Daughter of Bess, Maya represents another generation that promises a lot. Fro the very beginning, she proved us her qualities : focus, consistent, perseverant, patient, devoted and willing to learn.
Maya lives with a friend and hunting partner, M. Kevin Piton, with whom she
shares a great family life. Kevin and her have become a great pair and Maya
is always ready to bring back any ducks that are shot but also very patient
when it’s time to wait for the next one to retrieve.